Veterans Of Foreign Wars
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States is a nonprofit veterans service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, guard and reserve forces.

American Legion
The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization. Focusing on service to veterans, servicemembers and communities, the Legion evolved from a group of war-weary veterans of World War I into one of the most influential nonprofit groups in the United States.

Disabled American Veterans
DAV is a nonprofit charity that provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families, helping more than 1 million veterans in positive, life-changing ways each year.

Operation Welcome Home
Operation Welcome Home is dedicated to our heroes returning from the global war on terrorism around the world. Through our commitment, experience, and expertise Operation Welcome Home relies upon local community and business support for our heroes as they adjust from combat against terrorism.

American Veterans is a non-partisan, volunteer-led organization formed by World War II veterans of the United States military. It advocates for its members as well as for causes that its members deem helpful to the nation at large. The group holds a Federal charter under Title 36 of the United States Code.

Military Officers Association of America
MOAA's highest priority is providing first-class service to their members. They are the leading voice on compensation and benefit matters for all members of the military community.

About Us
This website was developed to inform and support Citrus County, Florida military veterans and their families. It is a free website donated, written and hosted by a disabled Citrus County veteran in rememberance and appreciation of the sacrifices of our veterans and their family members.

Our Mission
Inform veteran about their local organizations. Assist with finding in the area. Provide information about events established for military veterans and their families. Inform the public about our Citrus County veterans and their families.

Our Plan
Better inform all residents of Citrus County, Florida about veterans related activities. Help veterans be able to find and join local to get involved in their support. Get the public involved in supporting our veterans and their families.

Our Vision
Improve interaction of . Provide knowledge about parent for all concerned. Improve membership in . Inform the public about needs of veterans and their family members.
Organizations Supporting Veterans
These wonderful Citrus County, Florida organizations provide unparalleled support to our veterans and their families. You can help too. Click on their titles and contact these organizations and ask what you can do to improve support to America's heroes.
Operation Welcome Home
Operation Welcome Home, formerly known at Citrus County Heroes, was founded by Barbara Mills in 2007 and is located in Inverness, Florida. Operation Welcome Home is dedicated to our heroes returning from the global war on terrorism around the world. Through our commitment, experience, and expertise Operation Welcome Home relies upon local community and business support for our heroes as they adjust from combat against terrorism.
Veterans Foundation
The Foundation’s primary mission is to timely disburse grant assistance from the Foundation’s available funds to honorably discharged veterans or their surviving spouses who are Citrus County residents for short term emergency expenses upon verification of eligibility and need by the Citrus County Veterans Service Office and approval by a majority of the Foundation’s board of directors.
Veterans Coalition
The Coalition assists veterans and their widows with payment of utilities, payments for rental or lease for home, home and repairs, medical or dental payments, supplemental food as needed or normally once a month. The Coalition also has various medical assist devices, including electrical scooters/wheelchairs. The Coalition offers scholarship assistance at Withlacoochee Technical College. Fore more info click on our link abovr.
Bridge 4 Veterans
Their goal is to get the veterans to accomplish their goals, whatever they may be. To do this, they are partnering with agencies such as the United Way of Citrus County, especially their Mission United veterans program, the Veterans Coalition, Veterans Affairs and St. Vincent de Paul CARES, among others. Immediate plans are to do some repairs and sprucing up the shelter itself as well as assessing the needs and goals of the residents, whether it’s finding jobs for those who are able to work or their own places to live for those who are able to live on their own.
Veterans Services
The Citrus County Veterans Service Office provides guidance and assistance to veterans and their families so they are able to navigate the difficult VA systems, DOD retirement systems, and Florida State Benefits Programs in order to obtain pension, compensation, burial, educational, medical, insurance benefits, tax exemptions, park passes, & retirement benefits provided by the Department of VA Affairs, The State of Florida, and the Department of Defense.
United Way
With 70% of our Veterans over the age of 65, many are facing medical needs. The prevalence of relative care givers is increasing and is not always the most optimal for the Veteran's specific medical needs. An "Adult Health Care Program" is not available in Citrus County. Many Veterans applying for assistance struggle to manage household budgets and are in need of training. Veterans under the age of 62 are not yet eligible for SSI and many face income struggles.
Citrus County's Outstanding Veteran Leaders

Barbara Mills
Operation Welcome Home
Founder and President of Operation Welcome Home

Colonel Curt Ebitz, USA (retired)
Veterans Foundation
President of Citrus county Veterans Foundation, 2018 Inductee Florida Veterans hall of Fame

TSgt Richard Floyd, USAF (retired)
Veterans Coalition
President of Citrus County Veterans Coalition

CMSgt Phil Watson, USAF (retired)
Veterans Service Office
Citrus County Veterans Service Office Manager

Captain Teresa Harrison, USN (retired)
Military Officers Association of America
Past President of Citrus County MOAA

CWO4 J.J. Kenney, USMC (retired)
Governement Leader and Veterans Advocate
Former Citrus County Commissioner

CMSgt John Stewart, USAF (retired)
Veterans Advocate
2016 Inductee into Florida Veterans Hall of Fame

Major John McGee USA (retired)
Veterans Advocate
2024 Inductee into Florida Veterans Hall of Fame

Richard Hunt, USMC (retired)
Military Order of the Purple Heart, 2017 Inductee Florida Veterans Hall of Fame
Commander, Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 MOPH

Col Mark Bodenheim, USA (retired)
Veterans Advocate
Past President, Citrus County MOAA